The Perendev magnetic motor has caught the eye of the world's media and appears to be the most promising commercial application of magnetic motor technology. In this article, I'll tell you about Perendev and their motor and how you can also access this electricity generating technology for yourself.

Who Are Perendev?

Perendev Magnetic Motor - How to Generate 30kW Electricty For Free

Perendev is a company set up by inventor Michael J. Brady. They have developed a number of new technologies but their jewel in the crown is still their unique magnetic motor technology.

What's So Unique About It?

Magnetic motor generators have been built by enthusiasts for decades. Commercial models are expected in 5 to 10 years and there is a great rush to market and in development.

Perendev claim to have a unique, patented device that takes the original technology much further. Their "All-Magnet Motor" is driven by permanent magnets that, unlike in other devices, do not need to be periodically replaced.

This device is also much higher powered than most other devices and claims of between 20 and 30 kilowatt power output have been made (enough for several homes). Most devices output between 5 and 10 kilowatts and often much less, especially for experimental devices.

Perendev were reported to be manufacturing several commercial devices for export to Australia, Russia and Europe.

DIY Magnetic Motor

The Perendev motor is just one of many experimental devices of this type, albeit one of the few that shows the most commercial promise. But what if you don't want to wait 5 years to get hold of one? The answer is to build one yourself.

Decades of experimentation by a handful of pioneers mean that you don't have to experiment yourself. With a good set of instructions that can be bought online, you can make your own device using a few cheap components that can be bought locally. A typical DIY model will output around 7 kilowatts which is sufficient for the needs of most households.





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